
Thursday, April 27, 2023

FE Exam Mechanical (Paperback now available on Amazon!)


We thank everyone for the positive emails and feedback. Since 2013, our bread & butter FE Exam Prep was entirely based on the Other Disciplines exam.  

However, after the word got out about our FE Exam prep book and 125,000 sales later, there was an overwhelming request for a Mechanical as well as a Civil version of this Book

I'm proud to say that we finally published these two additional books in March 2023. Each of the new books has over 1,000 sales already. It's amazing.

The market for a good set of FE Exam Prep problems is in high demand. It's hard to find a good practice book - this is why I originally developed the book in 2013 - I basically wrote a book I wish I had when I was preparing for the FE Exam back in the day. 

Thank you to all of you who voiced your opinions over the last few years. We heard you ! 

After developing the 330 problems which are in the new FE Exam Mechanical "How to Pass on Your First Try!" book, after many months of quality checks and writing, the paperback version is now available on Amazon along with the EBook on this website. 

The Mechanical FE Exam Book was quite challenging to write.  It took more over 8 months to complete. For starters, it's the hardest exam.  Mechanical engineering, is the most difficult to learn - ask me how I know..... 

(There's no comparison to Other Disciplines or Civil. The sum of moments at any point doesn't equal to zero, it equals Mass x Acceleration, so it's harder to learn.  There's not many other good ME prep books on the market for this reason. 

If you look at the Mechanical Exam topics from NCEES, there's a strong emphasis on Mechanical Design and Analysis as well as Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics. Each of these sections has 10-15 questions you can expect to appear on the FE Exam. 

In our new Mechanical FE Exam prep book, we have over 50 problems related to just Mechanical Design and Analysis - the heart of the exam.  Each problem follows the FE Handbook. 

We have questions on springs, spring constants, helical torsion springs, bearings (roller/ball) - you need to be careful with these types of problems because the variable "L" needs to be in (millions of revolutions) in order to get the equation right. That's all explained in the book

We also have problems on power screws and transmission, gearing, joint methods, threaded fasteners, bolted ad riveted jointed loaded in shear, manufacturability.- the handbook really does a poor job on this topic and we give a bunch of ways to approach this, fits, shafts, symbols and tolerances, fatigue failures, variable loading theories, ANSI symbols for hydraulic power, hvac, and thermo cycles. 

It's all covered !   

Thank you for all you Mechanical Engineers out there who kept pushing us to develop a ME version of our very popular FE Exam Prep book! 

It was a blast to create for you !  

I always made it a point to price the book in such a way that it's affordable to students. There's a lot of prep courses & books out there that charge way too much money. Who can afford a $1,000 prep courses?  That's ridiculous.  

If you are reading this, you've come to the right place.

Do yourself a favor and stop procrastinating, it's time to pass the FE exam !

Download - EIT FastTrack E-Book

This e-book is a collection of tips/hints and strategies and over 330 practical exam questions with a step by step solutions. Download free demo or purchase here