
Friday, April 21, 2023

FE Exam Prep (ADA Accommodations)


Hi Guys,

We've been receiving a lot of questions regarding ADA Accommodations for the FE Exam so we decided to make a post about it today. 

Be sure to read the NCEES Examinee Guide (pdf file). It's a 37 page pdf that you an download from the NCEES website.    

NCEES has a great program for people with disabilities and, if approved, provides reasonable testing accommodations. 

From the Examinee Guide:

"To receive ADA accommodations, a candidate must have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits his or her ability to perform one or more major life activities (such as walking, seeing, hearing, learning, reading, concentrating, or thinking) or a major bodily function (such as neurological, endocrine, or digestive system) that impacts taking an examination, as compared with most people in the general population. 

NCEES encourages candidates with disabilities to request accommodations. 

For more information on how to request ADA accommodations, visit exams/ and select Reasonable Accommodations at the bottom of the page.".

We personally had many students submit their paperwork and been approved for testing accommodations that they deserved.  

Please note, NCEES also provides military and religious accommodations. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions!

Thank you.

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